Friday 25 January 2013



Where heading to discos and clubs was once the fancy of the rich and sophisticated older lot, it is a common sight to see young 15 and 17-year-old juveniles filling up instead. Having fun is acceptable but, to what extent? A serious question to ask is what the youth of today is turning into? Sadly, Gen Y does not even realize where they are heading. Their thoughts are limited and views confined. They are a personification of being lost, confused and misguided.

The concept of westernisation has taken on a whole new meaning. Addiction to booze, drugs and clubbing has now become rampant among teenagers. The situation is worsening each day. The number of teenage suicide and pregnancies is on the rise; the figures startling. Morals, ethics and the traditional values imbibed in us seem non-existent. In an attempt to act their age, they often don’t realize that they act foolish and irrational. It's scary how quickly youngsters are growing up these days.

Upbringing plays a vital role in the development of any individual. Seldom do parents realize that confining a child to a limited environment would only lead to the birth of a rebellion. At the age when they are just growing up, the right exposure with the right knowledge and enough freedom is important. A level of mutual understanding has to be achieved. On the other hand, parental differences destroy a child as a whole. Most victims of drug abuse and the likes are kids of divorced or single parents who neglect their children, too busy concentrating on their own personal lives. “The traumatic experiences I have faced in my family have left a deep mark on me, no matter what, I can never be the same again” recalls an 18 yr old. “Such children are unfortunate. Issues like this need to be seriously dealt with,” adds a concerned parent.

In some cases, parents can't be blamed for this type of behaviour  No matter what parents teach their children, they will always mimic their friends and peers. The greatest influence in a teenager's life is the media- television, movies and music. The simple theory of ‘what they see is what they adapt’. Content, the kind that is meant only for adults attracts their attention and exposes them to an entirely different world. The rest, as they say, is outdated.
Peer pressure is another reason.  The urge to look, dress and behave ‘cool’ leads these young minds on the wrong path. For instance, the ‘size zero figure’ trend led to a lot of youngsters succumbing to drugs and medicines that almost cost their life. Ouch!!
Education plays a major role too. Replacing a pen with a laptop, outdoor games for video games, etc. does more harm than good. The fast paced lifestyle engulfing our lives has blinded the generation. Bitten by the glamorous lifestyles of many around, working and earning in the fast track is a preferred option rather than studying further. Most school and college drop-outs look for easier alternatives not realizing the futility of such endeavours. Donna Munshi, a well known personality says, “Teens nowadays, are very impulsive and immature. They lack focus and guidance”. Difference in ideology or the ‘generation gap’ is a perfect excuse for depreciating responsibility. “You will never understand!” or statements like “ I'm not a kid any more.” are most heard around.
A careless attitude is observed amongst the majority today. They do not realize the basic values of time and money. “As long as they realize their responsibilities and enjoy while staying in their limits, there is no harm done.” says Gagandeep Chawla, a student of Hamstech Institute of Design.

The question here to ask is that can we blame the youth? Agreed, that they take the repercussions of their actions in life for granted, but is it really their fault? The analysis above hopefully gives space for ample thought. “With great freedom comes great responsibility.” goes a famous saying; it just needs to be abided by. All we can do is hope and guide these little young birds - the beauty of a productive life - not letting them get carried away by its superficiality. “This life so full of care, but we have no time to stand and stare.” - High time we started thinking about it.